What is Uterine Malformation?

A uterine malformation is a type of female genital malformation which is resulting during the fetal malpresentation, spontaneous abortion at the time of embryogenesis process. The Symptoms of uterine malformation are amenorrhea, infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, and pain etc. It is produced in abnormal development of the Mullerian ducts during embryogenesis. The fusion of the Mullerian ducts should result in the formation of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix and upper portion of the vagina. There are several types of malformation are Mullerian agenesis, Unicornuate uterus, Double uterus (uterus didelphys, Bicornuate uterus (uterus with two horns) etc.

Facts About Uterine Malformation

  • There are many types of Uterine malformations
  • Septated uterus is the most common uterine malformation; it is a result of the Mullerian ducts combining.
  • A rudimentary uterus found on the other side of a unicornuate uterus.
  • There are two uterine cavities and two cervixes.
  • For diagnosing of uterine malformation, the doctor will need imaging techniques besides a physical examination to determine the character of the malformation.
  • Patients with uterine abnormalities may have associated renal abnormalities including cardiac defects and having gynaecological complications such as infertility, endometriosis abortions, preterm deliveries etc.
  • Uterine malformations are also associated with genetic and teratogenic factors.
  • Depending on the malformation type, symptoms range from amenorrhea, infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss etc.
  • It is essential for the uterine malformation patients and their families to attend counselling before and throughout treatment.
  •  The surgical solution is the main solution of uterine malformation patients.
  • The laparoscope allows doctors to perform both minor and complex surgeries with a few small cuts in the abdomen.