What is Embryo Transfer?

Embryo Transfer is one of the processes of assisted reproduction in which embryos are placed into the uterus of a female body to establish a pregnancy. An embryo transfer is the last part of the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process. There are many reasons for embryo transfer, including Ovulation disorders, Damaged Fallopian tubes, Endometriosis, Premature ovarian failure, Genetic disorders etc. The process is usually pain-free and taking a short period of time.

Facts About Embryo Transfer

  • Embryo transfer was first performed in 1984.
  • Metabolomic profiling is the process of selecting the most beneficial eggs in the Embryo transfer procedure.
  • The process is usually pain-free and very short.
  • The symptoms of successful Embryo transfer are women may experience some cramping, bloating, and vaginal discharge.
  • As per a study in the Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, blastocyst embryo transfer has a higher success rate than the standard embryo transfer.
  • Two fertilized embryos increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.
  • Women under the age of 35 with an excellent chance of pregnancy.
  • Single embryo transfer in women less than 38 years of age reduces the risk of multiple births.
  • Women having chances for pregnancy very low, suggested to use a technique called heavy load transfer (HLT) i. e. Three or more embryos are transferred to the uterus.
  • The rate of success for embryo transfers may vary based on the transfer method used.
  • For low pregnancy, freezing embryos are used for a second attempt at embryo transfer for future use.
  • Embryo transfer success rates can vary and may depend upon the cause of infertility, ethnic backgrounds, and genetic disorders.
  • The risks of embryo transfers are very low.