What is Male Infertility?

Male infertility refers to when a man is unable to get a woman pregnant after trying through regular intercourse for more than a year. Male infertility is commonly due to deficiencies in the semen, semen quality, Genetic disorder, Hormonal Imbalance, drinking and smoking lifestyle, Sperm disorder like Sperm count, sperm motility and sperm abnormalities. When finding the infertile need to visit infertility expert for diagnosis. Medication or counselling can help improve male fertility.

Facts about Male Infertility

  • Overweight men tend to have lower testosterone levels, poor sperm quality, and reduced fertility.
  • Stress can affect a man’s fertility.
  • A loss of body hair can also be a sign of conditions that impair fertility.
  • Spending a long time in the hot tub, overheating the scrotum inhibits sperm production and quality.
  • Taking Vitamin E can increase male fertility.
  • Swelling of veins that supply the testis can be the reason for male fertility.
  • Unexplained sperm deficiencies account for 30% of male infertility.
  • DNA damage is an important factor in male infertility.
  • Varicocele, Cancer, Erectile dysfunction, Spinal cord injury are several medical conditions that can cause male infertility.
  • signs and symptoms associated with male infertility include:
  • Difficulty with ejaculation or small volumes of fluid ejaculated
  • Reduced sexual desire,
  • Pain, swelling in the testicle area.
  • Abnormal breast growth (gynecomastia)
  • Some strategies suggested Tips for avoiding male infertility include the following:
  • Stop smoking as it damages sperm DNA.
  • Avoid Drink marijuana and alcohol.
  • Wearing a testicles protective cup during sports time. Such as baseball, football, cricket, hockey, softball etc.
  • Taking healthy Diets.
  • Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is very effective in the treatment of male infertility.
  • Watch your weight.
  • Doing Excessive exercise.